Patriotism: War in a Jungle!

Ramakant Dash
4 min readMar 4, 2022

A tiger or a lion kills a deer or goat for their survival.

What will happen when:

1> tigers kill deer or cows or goats for fun, for revenge or for dominance?

2> tigers plan to increase their numbers to dominate the complete jungle?

3> there is a conflict between other predators like tigers and lions?

4> all the deer want to fight with tigers instead of running away from them?

5> there will be a multiple alliance between carnivorous, herbivorous, birds, reptiles?

6> tigers fight each other or deer fight with each other and kill each other?

7> tigers and deer are fighting with each and are ready to fight till death?

Can elephants or lions or hippos or cows or goats or buffaloes or fox play a mediator role to calm them down and make a peace agreement? How will they prevent the fights in the future?

What will they discuss during their peace talk?

1> If deer demands that tiger should not kill them, will tiger agree with no alternative food arrangement?

2> If tiger demands, deer should not run away when they are hungry, will deer agree to it?

Then what can be the peace agreement? What will tiger do when all the deer or buffaloes or all their prey will be extinct? Can tiger survive?

Peach talk between Tiger and Deer. What if tiger demands deer to stay without running away when tiger is hungry. What if deer demands for no attack by tigers.
Peace Talk between a predator and a prey

Can lions mediate between tigers and deer? What if lions help deer in the war for an easy catch of deer in the future? Can Buffalo help deer? What if they make some arrangements to secure themselves than the deer?

We can only achieve peace agreement when everyone will act with no self-interest. Peace itself is the biggest self-interest. When there is peace everywhere, then the unlimited human wants also will be reduced.

What can be a probable peace agreement between Tigers and Deer in the jungle?

1> Since tigers cannot survive without food, and deer do not want to be always scared of tiger, then they can set a safe hours and haunting hours.

2> Other than haunting hours, deer will feel safe. Yes, there will be a struggle for food for tiger. Tigers will die without food. But they have some time before death whereas for deer it’s the instant death. Maybe over time tigers might change their food habits like humans have developed different food habits.

We don’t know whether this is possible for animals or not, but peace is certainly possible for humans.

If hypothetically tigers and deer can come to a peace agreement, is it difficult for humans to live peacefully? Only thing to consider are the acceptable terms and conditions.

Demands should be reasonable. Both parties should think of each other putting themselves in each other’s shoes. If they cannot think of a solution, they can consult philosophers, spiritual masters, and selfless defense experts. In the war, whoever dies won’t know who won the war. But they are helpless. If they don’t fight, they may die.

War starts, when people do not talk to each other. Leaders should have better communication between respective parties or countries. First criteria for peace talk to succeed is the respect for each other. All parties should respect each other and should be in a state of mind to resolve the issues than dissolve each other.

When both the parties, or all the parties, have determination to come up with a peace agreement and not the opposite, then only peace is possible. And there should be a long-term and sustainable peace agreement.

There should be a detailed plan to maintain peace irrespective of government, leaders, or situations. Every country should teach their citizens and children how to maintain peace with each other and how to respect other countries. Early detection of conflict is necessary and early discussion to resolve the conflict should be facilitated with open mind so that the condition of volcanic eruption should not arise.

Peace is possible in the jungle or in the human world when everyone wants peace. Drama of peace cannot create peace. Peace of mind and peaceful heart, can eradicate all human made threats, hatred, discomfort in life and may make our life great.

Every human on this earth should decide and determine what they want. That purpose of life will decide whether to live in peace or leave in peace or rest in peace?

Requesting to read the book “ Patriotism Without a Country, We are Nothing” if you want to make a positive change to the human society.

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Paperback book in India:

Requesting to read and review the book “Patriotism Without a Country, We are Nothing” available on Amazon.
Patriotism Without a Country, We are Nothing

